"Dad, why don't you have an exotic job?"
"Well, I'm a mathematician, that's pretty exotic compared to most people. But what do you mean by exotic job?"
"Oh, it's where you wear a suit and take the train really early and work in a bank and come back really late [and bring back shedloads of money], that's an exotic job. Like my friends' dads have."
Damned private school.
"Look, if it weren't for mathematics those guys wouldn't be making any money. And it's really beautiful, plus it underlies everything else in this world, from electronics to our understanding of the spread of disease. You wouldn't be texting your friends without that. And you can't even tie your shoelaces without understanding math. [Memo to self: verify this last one, it's a bit dodgy.] And anyway you should always be proud of your own family and stick up for them."
There might have been some finger-wagging during this.
"Yes daddy yes daddy."
A few weeks later the school play approaches.
"Look darling, I don't want to embarrass you at the school play, so would you like me to wear a suit?"
I do actually have one, I got married in it. I've a horrible fear it might have shrunk meanwhile.
"Oh no dad, don't bother, everyone knows you haven't got an exotic job."