Thursday, 29 October 2009

I tre nani

Kinosaki is famous for its hot springs. The food here is excellent, the local speciality being crab. Otoh you will also be given eggs cooked in the springs; they prove that water at 80 degrees is insufficient to boil an egg. Avoid. A further "plus" is being accommodated in traditional Japanese inns, which includes the traditional cramming of 3 adults into a room fit for one. A crone comes in the evening to arrange the mattresses in an orderly row, like something out of an economy version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. However, there is no Snow White. I've discussed this with the other dwarves and we've agreed to advertise the position. Ladies, feel free to apply. And when I say position I mean positions of course, there's no need to stop at one. Why not seven? "But 3 into 7 doesn't go" you reply.

Maybe, but we'll have fun trying.


Lulu LaBonne said...

Can't help feeling that you're getting your fairy tales mixed up with those other books you keep in your bedroom Inky.

xerxes said...

In fact my basic corrupting influences were Dr No and pantomime. So I am your ordinary decent kind of perv not the pervy kind. But thanks for caring Lulu, I'll send you an application form.

xerxes said...
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BEAST said...

That will teach you for booking with Ryan Air!

Gadjo Dilo said...

Do they have crones in Japan?? If so they'd be very neatly dressed, polite ones. 3 into 7 surely does go: twice, and then there's still one left over for later.

Gyppo Byard said...

There is a Japanese version of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". No Good Boyo has it on DVD for watching when Mrs Boyo is out.

xerxes said...

Beast, aren't you thinking of Bridge over Private Ryan?

Gadj, they do have crones, neat and polite, but not very smiley. Can you get Boyo to put his DVD on Youtube for all of us?

nursemyra said...

Will your brother be in one of those beds? sign me up

xerxes said...

Gyppo, I'm a clot, I confused you with Gadjo. Duh. Now that we've sorted that one out, can you get NGB to oblige?

Nurse, not this time, sorry.

nursemyra said...

Next time perhaps?

xerxes said...

Nurse, he's currently checking the ladyboy situation in Bangkok. Well, his excuse is co-ordinating disaster relief between Kabul and Manila for some UN agency, so next time Sydney has a drought or dust storm or wildfire expect him to turn up on your doorstep.

Er, that should be any day soon, right?