Saturday, 27 March 2010

Second set

It's 11-30 and Mlle inkspot (15, and conscious of it) isn't answering her phone. She'd said that a bunch of them were going to Ollie's house so eventually I phone there. No says Ollie's dad, I thought they were at your place.

Eventually she does phone in.

"Where are you, I've been worried?"

"Don't worry dad, we're at Ollie's house."

Oh my god she is totally busted. At least she sounds sober, so above all I'm thrilled at being ahead in parenting tennis, it's the first time.

"Oh my god you are totally busted. At least you sound sober, but I'm cross, this isn't a game you know."


Gadjo Dilo said...

Oooh dear. What's the punishment for that sort of behaviour these days? It might have been a topical "No easter eggs for you this year" when I was a lad, but that was a simpler age.

Lulu LaBonne said...

They get naughtier earlier Inky.

My stepdaughter was removing televisions left in parked cars a couple of weeks before her sixteenth birthday, that was 7 years ago.

Just preparing you...

circus monkey said...

The little stop out. Cancel her subscription to Bunty, that'll larn her!

nursemyra said...

Keep telling yourself it's not a game Inky, you'll never get the rules right anyway

xerxes said...

Gadj, "no easter eggs" would be re-negotiated into "no passover" = great dad I didn't want to go anyway. I.e. I'd lose.

Lulu I'm not sure I believe this story, who has a tv in their car? Oh I see, stretch limos, well I'm on her side aren't I.

Monkey, welcome to Precision Handling, serving procrastinators for, ooh, almost 2 years now. If by Bunty you mean Teen Vogue I think I can use your suggestion, thanks.

Nurse you mean I should just give up? Dad's rules used to mean, (1) I don't care what you eat but you must eat something and (2) no mess. It's just (2) now.

Kevin Musgrove said...

You manage to get no mess? By gum, man, you are a marvel!

xerxes said...

Kevin, thank you so very much, but I never said the rules were obeyed. You have to have rules though even if they're ignored, otherwise what are they going to rebel against?

BEAST said...

Good heavens Inky , your one of these woolly liberal parents I keep reading about in the Daily Mail . I should send Ma Beasty round to give you some parenting lessons , she was like Hitler in a curly wig until each one of us reached 18 man she was evil and then transformed on the day of ones birthday to the sweetest mother EVER

xerxes said...

Beast this house is a big fan of the Mail, I'm not quite sure why though.

It's Ma Beasty (well, Mme Inkspot) who's scary here too. I bet Pa Beasty was a pushover from day 0.