Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Education matters*

Mlle Inkspot is long since back at school. It must be autumn. The students have flocked back, including Keira Knightley, who's off to the local dog college to enhance her motivation for the title role in the next remake of Hound of the Baskervilles. All so eager to learn.

Except that education is an industry where the customers want less for their money.

"I get the impression that you understand this, but what you write should be correct and coherent so that the reader, besides me, is convinced, and easily convinced. Oh, and your spelling could be better."

"Doesn't matter as long as I get the right answer."

"Well,  somebody reading it might get the impression that you don't know what you're talking about, and are lazy and ignorant. You're really putting yourself at an unnecessary disadvantage compared to the people who do write well, and can spell."


"Look, 'accelerate' has two c's. And it's printed here in the question! Can't you even copy correctly?"

*Doesn't it?


Ms Scarlet said...

*Doesn't it?

Mrs Pouncer said...

BTW Inky, off topic I know, but that's how I like it, I read at Hutton's that you were in Wycombe recently. Why didn't you let me know? I could've been with you in ten minutes. Naughty.

Ms Scarlet said...


xerxes said...

I had intended only to pass through Wycombe. But a misleading road sign, followed by a pub with a delightful barmaid and clear, concise and totally wrong directions from a lunatic ensured that I was well and truly in it. While struggling to leave I only just avoided a bunch of suicidal children on unlit bikes; tangling with them would surely have made my stay permanent.

It struck me as the town of the damned. But I would be pleased to be proved wrong, esp. by you two.

Mrs Pouncer said...

Disgusting, Scarlet. Back to the gutter.

I simply wanted to warn Inky that using extended scalars results in the Hecke algebra being isomophic to the one usually defined. I know that he'll agree that this doesn't change the general theory, but even so.

Now you can take it back on-topic, Scarlet.

Ms Scarlet said...

On topic: Doesn't matter as long as I get the right answer?

I think? I'm just a dumb blonde . . .


Ms Scarlet said...

Can I go off topic? I always sucked at philosophy.

xerxes said...

Scarlet, being an oaf makes a difference. Not you, the pupil who was causing me this torment.

Ms Scarlet said...

“For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof; the work for which all other work is but preparation.”

I used to have this quote on my bedroom wall when I was a teenager. Think I got it from a Patti Smith Album.

I've got blogs muddled, haven't I? It was Mrs P who mentioned Rilke . . . . .
