Friday, 19 December 2008

Bristol fashion

This is a curious town. Recently work has been bringing me here; downtown many of the buildings are very beautiful, in a way that I lack the technical language to express, but next to them are hideous, ghastly, abominable concrete hulks from the sixties, so horrible that they've been abandoned but not, alas, demolished. I stay in an attractive modern building in an otherwise seedy area; trust me, I know seedy, having lived in the West Village in the mid 80's, in an unattractive unmodern building. The most beautiful thing is the river and the way it drapes the city, but they really need to get rid of the concrete.


Ms Scarlet said...

Ugly beauty my friend, ugly beauty...

BEAST said...

Inky , were you up to anything wild and exciting in Bristol ???
I think you would get more into the concrete vibe if you mooched around in a hoody and break into a few cars...try a little light mugging prehaps ???

xerxes said...

Scarlet, how could you, I'm gorgeous.

Beast: nothing illegal. As for mooching and car-breaking, you over-estimate my capacity. I have paid my debt to society for the cone-pinching business, and that's enough.

Kate Lord Brown said...

No reflection in Bristol inky - be careful x

BEAST said...

Inky , are we to expect a festive post ????

Ms Scarlet said...

Are you 'Inky the vampire slayer'?
What goes on in Bristol?
Goodness, I feel like I've missed something. Again.

Ms Scarlet said...